I’m a writer and climber based in North Conway, New Hampshire, in the heart of the brittle ice and good granite of the White Mountain region. I’ve written for Alpinist, Ascent, Rock & Ice, Appalachia, and the New York Times, to name a few.
In 2013, I won the Waterman Fund Essay Contest for a piece called Epigoni, Revisited, about a failed attempt to climb Mount Deborah in the Hayes Range of Alaska. These days, I write about adventure, the personalities it draws, and exploration in a changing landscape. I love turning research, interviews, and personal insight into a good adventure yarn.
Though I’ve climbed in Alaska, Peru, Newfoundland, Argentina, and the Canadian Rockies, I relish days out at home as much as being tent-bound on a glacier somewhere. New Hampshire’s seasonal changes force you to be quick on your feet: ice climbing one day, rock climbing the next, trail running in between. I’m a jack-of-all trades, and certainly master of none. One thing remains true: I care less about the objective than the people I share it with.
I live in an off-the-grid cabin with my fiancée, the mountain guide Alexa Siegel.